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Joe Roussos

Joe Roussos

Image credit: © Cato / IFFS

I am a researcher at the Institute for Futures Studies, Stockholm. I am the PI of the VR funded project, Expertise in crises (2023-25), which studies the role of experts in high uncertainty, high stakes situations like the Covid-19 pandemic. I am a member of the newly established Mimir Center for Long-Term Futures, within IFFS.

I previously worked on two other projects at IFFS: Climate Ethics and Sustainable Populations in the Time of Climate Change.

My work spans decision theory, social epistemology, and philosophy of science. I tend to work on decision-making under conditions of severe uncertainty, the use of expertise, and scientific modelling, especially as a source of evidence for decisions. 

Here is a video of me describing some challenges with using models to support Covid-19 decision making, for a non-expert audience. I am also working on epistemic and decision-theoretic challenges facing “longtermism“, a recently popular ethical stance.

I did my PhD in philosophy at the London School of Economics, working with Roman Frigg and Richard BradleyA copy of my CV is available here.

I am from Johannesburg, South Africa, but spent most of the 2010s living in the UK.

Here is a short bio:

Joe Roussos is a researcher at the Institute for Futures Studies, Stockholm. He leads the project Expertise in crises, and is a member of the Mimir Center for Long Term Futures Research. Joe’s work spans decision theory, social epistemology and philosophy of science. He received his PhD from the London School of Economics, with a thesis titled Policymaking under scientific uncertainty. His work has been published in the Australasian Journal of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science, WIREs Climate Change, and Ethical Theory and Moral Practice.


Recent papers

  • Usability of climate information: toward a new scientific framework, WIREs Climate Change [open access]
  • Modelling in normative ethics, Ethical Theory and Moral Practice [open access]

Recent talks

  • A virtue approach to expert disagreement, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Jan 2024
  • A curatorial view of expert advising, Climate ethics and future generations conference, Stockholm Sep 2023
  • Expert disagreement in advising and research, INEM 2023 [slides]
  • When is disagreement between moral models significant? Workshop on progress in moral philosophy, IFFS 2023 [notes]